Am I in the right place? – Barriers at the Climate Camp 2021 – Klimacamp

Am I in the right place? – Barriers at the Climate Camp 2021

ATTENTION: This information is part of the Climate Camp 2021! We are currently working on an update of the text. If you have any questions before then, please write to us at or call us at Camphandy from 22.05. on +43 (0)670 404 35 77.
We want everyone to be able to participate in our climate camp. We know that this is not possible for everyone, because buildings, streets, toilets or sidewalks continue to be planned and built only for the needs of certain people. Especially for able-bodied, white males. As well, our workshop-program is mostly made for abled and German and/or English speaking people. 
Climate Camp 2021 will take place both online and offline. With this selection of spaces, we also want to accommodate different needs. We try to make the location as barrier-free as possible, but are only capable to do this in our limits of capacities. In the following paragraphs we give you an overview of what we will provide. 
If you have any wishes or needs that have not yet been taken into account, but which are important for you to be able to participate in the camp and so that you can feel comfortable, please write to us. For us it is important to consider everyone’s needs and well-being.
Allergies and dietary requirements
At the camp we always cook vegan. Please write us if you have other allergies or needs (gluten, nuts, etc.).

Physical barriers for wheelchair users

The Climate Camp 2021 will probably take place at the Zukunftshof. The farm is accessible by public transportation. There is a bus stop nearby. On the farm itself there are paved and non-paved areas.  There will be a wheelchair accessible Öklo (ecological toilette) on site. The workshops will mainly take place in tents. Many rooms are accessible at ground level.
People with visual impairments
Do you want to participate in the Summer School or in a workshop and still need something? Please write us and we will inform the speakers.
People with hearing impairments
If you need an interpreter for ÖGS, please write us so that we can plan for it in advance.

Language barriers

Our events take place in different languages. However, the majority of the events will be in German.
There will be some people at the events who will make an effort to interpret  content from English or into English and, in certain cases, other languages.
In addition, there are workshops that (can) be held in multiple languages. We have developed our own interpreting technology that allows you to receive interpreted content on your smartphone via headphones. 
Nevertheless, it will unfortunately not be possible for us to cover the full scope of the diverse program in more than one language. This means that we are also dependent on your assistance as a participant: If you know, for example, that a workshop will not be held in a language you can understand and/or speak, it can be helpful to contact us early enough.

For more information on interpreting needs, getting a potential interpreter yourself and any other questions on the subject, please contact us.

Do people drink alcohol or use other mind-altering drugs during the events?
In the past years, we have repeatedly tried out different version of how to integrate mind-altering drug-free days and tried out different formats. For the Climate Camp 2021, without exception, no alcohol and other mind-altering drugs may be consumed. For background information please contact the info-tent and have a look at our info sheet on care and awareness.
What do I do if I am harassed with racist/sexist/ableist/trans/homophobic/other idiotic behavior at the camp?

Discriminatory or transgressive behavior will not be tolerated at Climate Camp. We hope that such situations will not occur in the first place. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that. If something does happen, you can talk to the Care & Awareness Team.


If you are/were in an unpleasant situation, you can always contact the Care & Awareness team. You can reach them on site or by phone.
We will try to listen to you, find out together what you need and what can help you. We won’t do anything without your permission.
You can find more information here:
Photos at the climate camp
Read more in our camp agreement