Summer School 2022 – Klimacamp

Summer School 2022

The Summer School courses enable a permanent group to deal with a topic in depth for four half days. In this way, we want to enable an intensive and sustainable discussion of the content and networking of our struggles for a necessary system change.

▶️▶️ Registration (until 16.05.) ◀️◀️

Each Summer School has space for a limited number of participants, which need to register until 16.05.2022!  However, bear in mind that registration is on a first come, first served basis. In order to allow for a diversity of participants, we especially want to encourage people with experiences of discrimination (such as BI_POC, LGBTQI, migrants, single parents, workers and people from smallholder families) to register and prioritize you in the allocation of places if necessary.

Notice that by filling in the registration survey you’re committing to participate in all the sessions of the summer school in case your application is accepted (i.e., participating in single classes is not possible). Also, you can apply to more than one summer school if you want, but you will be selected for only one of them. Therefore, please carefully state you preferences in the registration survey.

For a radical system change we need everyone! Being a parent should not exclude anyone from getting/staying politically educated or active. Therefore, we offer childcare during the course times. Please let us know when you register, if you want to take advantage of this.

Finally, please consider donating to support the organisation of the Klimacamp and the work of the facilitators. As a reference point, we would suggest a minimum donation of 20€, a standard one of 40€, and a solidarity one of 60€ to support the participation of others! Donating is strictly NOT a condition for participating in the summer school, please donate if you have the means and according to it!

Available Summer Schools with short descriptions:

    • Degrowth Summer School
      A good life for all within planetary boundaries – this is the quest of Degrowth.
      That‘s right, Degrowth is not about recession, grinding all the factories in the world to a halt and returning to the Stone Age. Departing from the realization that the growth imperative of capitalist societies is the main driver of historical and current global injustice, Degrowth instead asks: if we could stop worrying about growing the economy, what other things can we start growing? Do we want more SUVs, private jets and fast fashion, or would we like to start looking into things like universal basic services, reclaiming the commons, putting care at the center of economic activity and a slower pace of life? Degrowth is a blooming ensemble of research, discourse and concrete utopias, at the heart of which is the journey to an ecologically sustainable and socially just society. Join us in exploring the pathways to a post-capitalist world!
    • Common Ecologies Summer School
      This summer school will address different aspects of building power and care in the context of climate movements. How and why should we build synergies across feminist, agricultural and labour movements? How may we liaise and organise around batshit jobs (those toxic jobs in petrol, car and other industries), building common demands and perspectives? Why does our organising need to be feminist and anti-racist, what tools may we refer to? How can we mobilize care in order to make our movements more resilient, transversal and sweet?
    • Permaculture Summer School (in German)
      Natur- und Klimaschutz, landwirtschaftliche Produktion und soziale Gerechtigkeit zusammenbringen, darum geht es im Permakultur-Workshop von „Ouvertura – Solidarische Landwirtschaft“. Barbara und Sara bringen euch die Theorien dahinter anhand vieler praktischer Gartenübungen näher. Dreck unter den Fingernägeln garantiert!

▶️▶️ Registration (until 16.05.) ◀️◀️