How anti-racist is your environmental awareness practice?
Datum: Monday, 24th – Thursday 27th May
Zeit: 17:00 – 20:00
Referent*innen: Lia & Mariama
Sprache: English & Deutsch (This course will be conducted in English and German, if you need translation let us know in your registration.)
Ort: Zoom
This workshop focuses on what has been the history of more than 500 years of oppression and exploitation developed due to the colonial capitalist system which still replicates today giving as a result what we call the „Climate Change“. Beginning with the Slave Trade to the present system of extractivism and looting, we revise how colonialism has marked every single aspect of our life as modern subjects.
This workshop also gives space to think and share altogether what are our daily practices of action against this panorama of death, as well as putting an eye on our privilege as activists living in Central Europe. We will analyse the possibilities of developing an activism that supports the ones putting their (“other”) bodies throughout the Rest of the world.
Historical process from pre-capitalist Europe to the beginning of the colonial and capitalist times. Conformation of the modern states and the classification of humanity by race, class and gender. European profit from the Slave Trade. Revolutionary projects of resistance: Haitian Revolution. Independentist wars: the cases of Sudamerican, and West African countries.
Context of post slavery and Neocolonialism. Reorganization of the land ownership and labour force. The fracture between Nature vs. Human. New form of profit: land expropriation, mining, extensive agriculture, invasive tourism, white NGO’s “cooperation” system with the Global South. Systematic genocide of Indigenous and Black leaders defender of the land.
Collective work on knowledge exchange and formation of a “map of destruction” with present production and circulation of food and services between the Global South and Europe. Identification of Austrian industries and enterprises with colonial and/or exploitation history. Categories of “rich” and “poor”, “well-being” and Western ideas of a progresive future.
Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa. Caribbean, migrant, editor, and artist. Through her work she emphasizes the importance of a political conscience against racism, colonialism, imperialism, capitalism and heteronormativity, as well as the necessity of a resistance through joy, connection with the earth, spirituality, and collective work.
Mariama Diallo. Migrant, activist and Pan-Africanist. She was born in Kamsar Guinea-West Africa, in the heart of Africa. She is part of the new generation of women working on a postcolonial African history of oppression and exploitation.
Guest Speakers
Each evening form 7-8pm there will be a dialogue with a different activist from the Global South.
These can be joined by everyone here:
Monda, 24.05 7pm: Ina-Maria Shikongo, Climate Activiste.
Ina-Maria Shikongo, artist, fashion designer, activist, celebrates the power of being an African. Ina-Maria lebt in Namibia und kämpft für die Freiheit der Menschen in Namibia und Botswana
Tuesday, 25.05 7pm: Sekou Konate.
Er wurde in Bamako Mali Westafrika geboren und er ist ein Student in DEUTSCHLAND, Ein Panafrikaniste. Er kämpft für die afrikanischen Würde, den Respekt für Afrikaner_innen und für die Souveränität Afrikas. Er ist in Bamako aufgewachsen und Gymnasium besucht.
Wednesday, 26.05 7pm Ruben Collio.
Mapuche from Wallmapu, Chile. I was raised by my grandparents, who were campesinos. From them I learned the value of the land and why we should protect it from industrial plunder. I am an environmental engineer, and I have put my knowledge to the service of the communities that cannot afford a professional to counsel them. Since 2014 we moved with my family to the South, in Tranquil, in the area of Panguipulli, where the community of Quillempan asked us for help to establish a dialogue with the Austrian company RP Global which started to build an hydroelectric power plant in their land.
Thursday, 27.05 7pm: Carmen Cariño Trujillo.
Ñuu Savi, from Chila de las Flores, México. Campesina and rural sociologist. Professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco and member of the Latinoamerican Group of Studies, Formation and Feminist Action (GLEFAS). Student of the Zapatista School and an activist for the struggles and social movements defending land territories.